Wednesday 13 April 2022

By definition, a web site is a collection of web pages

 usually linked to each other, that are made available

on the World Wide Web by an organization or individual.

Today, there are millions and millions of Mobile app development & website designs from personal Mobile app development & website designs for families to display family

news to one another, to individuals creating e-commerce web sites to sell products over the Internet.  

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We can group Mobile app development & website designs together as follows:

Informational sites:  These sites provide information about a particular subject or organization.  These are

the most common Web sites on the Internet and often take on aspects of the other site categories over


Transactional sites:  This type of site can be used to conduct some transaction or task.  E-commerce sites

fall into this category.

Community sites:  These provide information or transaction-related facilities, but focus on the interaction

between the visitors of the Mobile app development & website design.  Community-based Mobile app development & website designs tend to focus on a particular topic or type

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of person and encourage interaction between like-minded individuals.  

Entertainment sites:  These Mobile app development & website designs are for game playing or some form of amusing interaction, which

may include transactional, community, and informational elements.

Other sites:  Included here are artistic or experimental Mobile app development & website designs, personal Web space such as Web logs

(also called blogs), and web sites that may not follow common Web conventions or have a well-defined

economic purpose.

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We might also group sites based upon the organization that is running, or in some sense anything for, the

site.  Within this type of categorization we see five major groupings:

By definition, a web site is a collection of web pages

Commercial (usually uses the extension .com):  A web site in this group is built and run by an organization

or individual for commercial gain, either directly through e-commerce or indirectly through promotion for

some off-line purchase of goods or services.

Government (usually uses the extension .gov):  This web site's parent entity is ultimately a government

organization, and the purpose of the site is to satisfy some social or legal need.

Education (usually uses the extension .edu):  This type of web sites' parent entity is some educational

institution and it is used to support learning or search goals.

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Charitable:  A charitable web site exists to promote the goals of a nonprofit organization or the charitable

activities of an individual or organization.

Personal:  This web site exists at the sole discretion of some person or group for any number of reasons,

usually as a creative outlet or form of personal expression.

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